Monday, February 18, 2008

Perpetual In-Basket

Have you relaxed today?

During the beginning of my week-long jury duty (interesting medical malpractice case), I was panicked about all the work I needed to get done at work. I started reading Don't Sweat the Small Stuff--and it's all small stuff (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Series) by Richard Carlson. Do you know someone who stays up late, gets up early, avoids having fun, and keeps their loved ones waiting? Waiting to have fun, waiting for help, waiting for whatever? As items are checked off on the never-ending list, new ones simply replace them.

Your in-basket is meant to have items to be completed in it -- its not meant to be empty. There will always be To-Do's , phone calls, etc. that need to be done. Carlson notes that nothing is more important "than your own sense of happiness and inner peace and that of your loved ones. If you're obsessed with getting everything done, you'll never have a sense of well-being."

The purpose of life is to enjoy each step along the path. We need to enjoy the journey. "Remember, when you die, there will still be unfinished business to take care of....Someone else will do it for you!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"If you can dream it, you can do it.
Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse."
Walt Disney

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

"You gotta have a dream. If you don't have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true? (South Pacific)"

That last one I used to sing as a kid. I do remember the song more than the movie. OK, maybe I'm showing my age. I've been thinking about lately about dreams, goals, ideals, courage, and reality.

Success can be measured by actions and NOT by what you say you will do. When do you expect to achieve your goals? Today is the day to take responsibility and begin actions to reach your goals and dreams, because tomorrow is only a possibility and still a dream.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Another great post by Guy Kawasaki. His post is entitled, "Everything you should know about me as an entrepreneur you could learn from my OB/GYN." He got an e-mail pitch from an entrepreneur. You should go read it. After living with a start-up the last 7 years and having my kids grow up taller than me now, I can appreciate the entrepreneur's comment. I just wished I was a few years younger now to start my next venture experience.

My favorite line is the end, "Children are the ultimate startup. And when they leave for college, it’s their IPO. And when they get married, it’s an M & A deal. And like most startups, these milestones usually take longer and cost more than you predicted. Parental success rates, however, are much better than even the best (seed-stage) venture capitalist’s."

Friday, February 01, 2008

On Target

I have to join the bloggers in complaining about this Target advertisement (photo on flikr) What was Target thinking? founder, Amy Jussel, contacted Target, complaining about an advertising campaign that depicted a woman splayed across a big target. This Target ad is bad on so many angles -- and Target's response is even worse. And Target is ignoring bloggers because blogging is not traditional media. But they arent ignoring the traditional media who is writing about the blogging. Hence the NY Times article, "Target Tells a Blogger to Go Away."
